In the following I share the science articles I have (co-)authored as well as the presentations at scientific conferences.
All publications are Open Access and fully accessible under the provided links.
As part of my PhD project
- You can access my PhD thesis about The Educational Use of Feynman Diagrams from 2024 here.
- Dahlkemper, M., Klein, P., Müller, A., Schmeling, S., & Wiener, J. (2022a). Feynman-Diagramme als multiple Repräsentationen. Unsicherheit als Element von naturwissenschaftsbezogenen Bildungsprozessen, 42.
- Dahlkemper, M., Klein, P., Müller, A., Schmeling, S., & Wiener, J. (2022b, November 30). Der didaktische Nutzen von Feynman-Diagrammen. PhyDid B – Didaktik der Physik – Beiträge zur DPG-Frühjahrstagung.
- Dahlkemper, M., Klein, P., Müller, A., Schmeling, S., & Wiener, J. (2023). Forschungsbasierte Entwicklung von Lernmaterialien zu Feynman-Diagrammen. Lernen, lehren und forschen in einer digital geprägten Welt, 43.
- Dahlkemper, M. N., Klein, P., Müller, A., Schmeling, S. M., & Wiener, J. (2022). Opportunities and Challenges of Using Feynman Diagrams with Upper Secondary Students. Physics, 4(4), Article 4.
- Dahlkemper, M., Wiener, J., Müller, A., Schmeling, S., & Klein, P. (2021). Untersuchung der Wahrnehmung von Feynman-Diagrammen mittels Eye Tracking. PhyDid B – Didaktik der Physik – Beiträge zur DPG-Frühjahrstagung, 1, Article 0.
Learning Resources for Physics Teachers
- Kranjc Horvat, A., Boselli, M., Chatzidaki, P., Dahlkemper, M. N., Duggan, R., Durey, G., Herff, N., Molaro, D., Scheerer, G. W., Schmeling, S., Thill, P. G., Wiener, J., Woithe, J., & Zoechling, S. (2022). The mystery box challenge: Explore the nature of science. Science in Schools, 59.
- Woithe, J., Boselli, M., Chatzidaki, P., Dahlkemper, M. N., Duggan, R., Durey, G., Herff, N., Horvat, A. K., Molaro, D., Scheerer, G. W., Schmeling, S., Thill, P. G., Wiener, J., & Zoechling, S. (2022). Higgs in a Box: Investigating the Nature of a Scientific Discovery. The Physics Educator, 04(04), 2250019.
- Duggan, R., Chatzidaki, P., Boselli, M., Dahlkemper, M. N., Durey, G., Herff, N., Horvat, A. K., Scheerer, G. W., Schmeling, S., Thill, P. G., Vujanovic, M., Wiener, J., Woithe, J., & Zoechling, S. (2024). Introducing modern particle detectors in the classroom: A slice-by-slice overview. Physics Education, 59(6), 065027.
The Use of Artificial Intelligence in Education
- Dahlkemper, M. N., Lahme, S. Z., & Klein, P. (2023). How do physics students evaluate artificial intelligence responses on comprehension questions? A study on the perceived scientific accuracy and linguistic quality of ChatGPT. Physical Review Physics Education Research, 19(1), 010142.
The Effect of Online Teaching on Physics Learning at University
- Jelicic, K., Geyer, M.-A., Ivanjek, L., Klein, P., Küchemann, S., Dahlkemper, M. N., & Susac, A. (2022). Lab courses for prospective physics teachers: What could we learn from the first COVID-19 lockdown? European Journal of Physics, 43(5), 055701.
- Klein, P., Ivanjek, L., Dahlkemper, M. N., Jeličić, K., Geyer, M.-A., Küchemann, S., & Susac, A. (2021). Studying physics during the COVID-19 pandemic: Student assessments of learning achievement, perceived effectiveness of online recitations, and online laboratories. Physical Review Physics Education Research, 17(1), 010117.
Serious Games in Education
- Klein, P., Burkard, N., Hahn, L., Dahlkemper, M. N., Eberle, K., Jaeger, T., & Herrlich, M. (2021). Coordinating vector field equations and diagrams with a serious game in introductory physics. European Journal of Physics, 42(4), 045801.
Astrophysics Research
- You can find my Master Thesis on Metallicity Trends in Globular Clusters from 2019 here (unpublished).
- You can find my Bachelor Thesis on A scaling law for magnetic fields of rapidly
- rotating stars from 2016 here (unpublished).
- Brown, E. L., Jeffers, S. V., Marsden, S. C., Morin, J., Boro Saikia, S., Petit, P., Jardine, M. M., See, V., Vidotto, A. A., & Mengel, M. W. (2022). Linking chromospheric activity and magnetic field properties for late-type dwarf stars. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 514(3), 4300–4319.
Conference Talks:
- Jan 2024: Forum DiNat, Locarno, Switzerland Title: Learning about particle physics with Feynman diagrams
- Sep 2023: GDCP Annual Meeting, Hamburg, Germany Title: Physiklernen mit Feynman-Diagrammen
- Jul 2023: GIREP conference, Kosice, Slovakia Title: Investigating high school students’ gaze patterns when learning with Feynman diagrams
- Mar 2023: DPG Spring Meeting, Hannover, Germany Title: Forschungsbasierte Entwicklung von Lernmaterialien zu Feynman-Diagrammen
- Sep 2022: Tagung “Physik der kleinsten Teilchen in der Schule”, Dresden, Germany Title: Forschungsbasierte Entwicklung von Lernmaterialien zu Feynman-Diagrammen
- Sep 2021: ESERA conference, online Title: Studying physics during the Covid-19 pandemic: Assessing students’ perceived learning success
- Apr 2021: Eye Tracking in Science Education Research Online Meeting, online Title: The perception of Feynman diagrams investigated through eye tracking (Talk & Poster)
- Mar 2021: DPG Spring Meeting, online Title: Physik studieren während COVID-19
Conference Posters:
- Sep 2022: GDCP Annual Meeting, Aachen, Germany Title: Forschungsbasierte Entwicklung von Lernmaterialien zu Feynman-Diagrammen
- Jul 2022: GIREP conference, Ljubljana, Slovenia Title: Designing learning material for teaching particle physics with Feynman diagrams
- May 2022: Forum DiNat, Gossau SG, Switzerland Title: Research-based instructional design of learning material on Feynman diagrams
- Mar 2022: DPG Spring Meeting, online Title: Educational Uses of Feynman Diagrams
- Sep 2021: GDCP Annual Meeting, online Title: Feynman-Diagramme als multiple Repräsentationen
- Mar 2021: DPG Spring Meeting, online Title: Untersuchung der Wahrnehmung von Feynman-Diagrammen mittels Eye Tracking